Do you ever feel stuck?!

That sensation of being stuck ...

LTV speaks with company owners on a daily basis that feel this way. This does not mean that they are not successful (it can also mean this) but often it has to do with other things.

Common feelings among company owners

- I have so little time to see my family and when I do I am distant at best.
- Hobbies - I wish!
- I feel like I would like to get in better physical form but just do not have the time.

When digging deeper in conversations with people the main driver for feeling stuck will be totally different for everyone. That said, there is almost always a disconnect with what we call the Dream Scenario, but let me come back to that in a second.

The Dream Scenario

When starting businesses we often have an idea in mind around how it will be. That idea develops over time depending on the age we are in the success we are having and loads of other factors impacting our lives.

The main thing to remember though is that we will always always have a Dream Scenario in mind. This is the way we see our lives in the future. Often it relates to working less, making more money, having more freedom, 100% control over our own situation, less risk etc., etc.

The question we always ask of people is - how will you get to your Dream Scenario?

If I could only...

Most of the time I will then get replies like, if I could only fix this, or grow that, or get that person, or increas this or reduce that.

This is where it gets interesting. Why?

Well, as company owners, we in almost 100% of the cases, see the busienss as something that will fix our lives.

That is where we have the opportunity to move the needle and to get to a point which satisfies our Dream Scenario.

This is why everyone at LTV loves what we do.

We can help you move that needle.

And when we do. You will be on your merry way towards the Dream Scenario your are thinking about must days in your day dreams.

So let's get unstuck. :-)

#businessowner #growthstrategy #exitstrategy

Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash


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